
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Chronicles of Vallanie Sharp

This past week I've been busy, with visiting relatives, moving back to university, classes starting up again, and... (drumroll please) publishing my first book.

Yes, I'm glad to announce my debut novel "Novice," the first in a series titled The Chronicles of Vallanie Sharp has been released. It's now available electronically through both amazon and smashwords. It's a young adult, sci-fi adventure story that takes place in a seemingly utopian society (but we all know what that means, right?). For a more detailed description, see the tab "My Works"above.

In other news, I've started my courses this semester which are very heavy on Psychology-I'm looking forward to them though. I'm sure they'll inspire many thought provoking posts.

I hope everyone is having a great week (and for everyone else who just started back to school, a great semester).

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